Cats Lie on Painful Areas: Truth or Myth?

Cats Lie on Painful Areas: Truth or Myth?
There are many stories about how cats have helped their owners recover from ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal issues, and more. However, the healing properties of cats are not well studied. Some veterinarians claim that pets can alleviate migraines, though there is no scientific evidence to support this.
There is also no information in scientific literature about any supernatural abilities in cats that allow them to detect their owner’s illness. From a scientific perspective, a cat lies on a sick person simply because the body temperature rises during fever or inflammation, and cats love warm places. Injured or inflamed areas, such as the back or other painful spots, also tend to be warmer, which is why a cat may use them as a cozy place to rest.
Pets are familiar with their owner’s normal body temperature and scent, and when a person is sick, both of these change significantly. A cat may not understand exactly what its owner is feeling, but it can certainly sense that something is different. Thus, cats don’t feel the illness itself, but rather the associated changes and react to them.
Sick people make ideal "heaters" for cats—they are still, warmer than usual, and often more relaxed. There is no direct evidence of diagnostic abilities in pets. Most likely, a cat lies on the stomach or chest simply because it’s more comfortable. According to doctors' observations, when a cat lies on a painful area, such as the abdomen or chest, the person often feels relief. This happens because the warmth of the cat’s body relaxes the person, reducing the intensity of the pain.
What Cats Can Heal
Like other animals, cats have "healing" properties. There is even a form of therapy called feline therapy, a type of animal-assisted therapy that uses cats to help with treatment. The Latin word "feline" means "cat," making household cats the "doctors" in this method.
Feline healers don’t need any special skills. By simply being near their sick owner, they behave as usual—rubbing against their legs, purring, lying down on the person, and sleeping. This ordinary interaction with a pet helps reduce emotional tension and ease pain.
What is proven, however, is that cats have a positive impact on people’s mental health. Interaction with cats can lower stress and anxiety levels. Many people feel happier and more content due to the release of happiness hormones like serotonin and oxytocin during contact with animals. Some studies have shown that cats help people cope with mental health issues—pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
There is also a belief in the healing power of a cat's purring. "Purr therapy" is thought to promote bone healing. Domestic cats purr at a frequency of around 26 hertz, which is in the range that stimulates tissue regeneration. This concept isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds—intense physical exercise improves bone health for the same reason, as bones respond to pressure by becoming stronger. Devices that mimic the vibrations of purring have even been patented for potential therapeutic use.
Studies have shown that pet owners have lower blood pressure in stressful situations compared to those without pets. They also tend to visit doctors less frequently.
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